Pulau Seribu Hongkong

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: Sebuah wacana sensitif ditiupkan Sutiyoso, awal pekan silam. Gubernur DKI Jakarta itu berniat merelokasi perjudian di Kepulauan Seribu. Meski bukan isu baru, masyarakat tetap saja mengomentarinya secara beragam. Ada yang setuju, ada juga yang tidak setuju. Namun, banyak pula yang tak mempunyai sikap jelas. Terserah Pemda deh, kita mah ikut aje. Begitu kira-kira. Sutiyoso memang berniat membangun fasilitas pendukung sarana perjudian di kepulauan yang berada di utara Ibu Kota itu. Rencana ini bukan tak berdasar. Praktik perjudian di daratan Ibu Kota makin sulit diberantas, walau Pemda telah bekerja sama dengan polisi. Itulah sebabnya, pemindahan lokasi judi ke tempat yang sulit dijangkau warga menjadi pilihan yang paling tokcer. "Kini tinggal menunggu persetujuan DPRD," ujar Sutiyoso. Selain itu, Sutiyoso yang juga mantan Panglima Daerah Militer Jaya tampaknya paham betul jika lokalisasi judi dapat mendongkrak pendapatan asli daerah. Ini dapat membantu Pemda Jakarta yang memang memerlukan duit banyak untuk membangun Ibu Kota agar lebih mengkilap lagi. Istilahnya, di tengah kas Pemda yang seret, uang pasti bakal gampang diraup dari meja judi. Tersiar kabar, jika Pemda berhasil merelokasi perjudian, uang kas akan bertambah Rp 1,5 sampai Rp 1,8 triliun per tahun. Luar biasa. Jika tak percaya, tengok saja pengalaman Ali Sadikin, mantan Gubernur DKI (1966-1977). Tak seorang pun menyangkal bahwa limpahan uang perjudian yang dilegalkan Bang Ali dapat menyulap Jakarta dari daerah kumuh, menjadi kota yang sedikit mentereng. Saat itu, Gubernur Ali memang memberikan kepercayaan kepada pengusaha Apyang dan Yo Putshong untuk mengelola perjudian di kawasan Ancol, Jakarta Utara, bernama Copacabana--ditutup pada April 1981 dan sekarang dijadikan Hotel Horizon. Ini membuat judi Lotto (lotere totalisator), petak sembilan, dan hwa-hwe, yang tadinya dimainkan secara sembunyi, mulai terang-terangan dimainkan masyarakat. Secara fisik, hasilnya memang luar biasa. Kas Pemda Jakarta kontan bertambah gemuk. Sejumlah gedung sekolah, rumah sakit, dan Puskesmas langsung didirikan. Jalan-jalan juga mulai diperbaiki. Ibarat kata, jalan-jalan di Jakarta yang mulanya becek, langsung bisa buat bersepatu roda. Jakarta pun lebih menyala di malam hari. Kondisinya berubah 180 derajat. Pokoknya, benar-benar meriah. Tapi Ali belum puas. Ia terus membenahi pemukiman kumuh dengan membangun proyek M.H. Thamrin--kini mejadi jalan utama di Ibu Kota. Ali juga merenovasi Taman Monas serta membangun Taman Ismail Marzuki, Gedung Arsip Nasional, Gelanggang Remaja Kuningan, Pasar Seni Ancol, Planet Senen, sampai lokalisasi pelacuran Kramat Tunggak. Alhasil, di akhir jabatannya, Bang Ali berhasil mengumpulkan kas sebesar Rp 17 miliar. Saat itu, angka belasan miliar rupiah jelas bukan jumlah yang sedikit, mengingat anggaran awal Pemda hanya Rp 66 juta. Artinya, Bang Ali yang dijuluki Gubernur Maksiat sukses melipatgandakan uang Pemda sekitar 250 kali lebih banyak. Mengutip Direktur Center for Indonesian Regional and Urban Studies (CIRUS), Andrinof A. Chaniago, rencana Sutiyoso melokalisasi perjudian memang harus dilihat secara proporsional. Maksudnya, jika perjudian benar-benar dipindahkan ke pulau yang kosong, rencana lokalisasi itu menjadi realistis. "Bisa saja, asalkan Pemda juga menyiapkan perangkat hukum yang jelas," kata Andrinof. Senada dengan Andrinof, Wakil Ketua DPR dari Fraksi Kebangkitan Bangsa (F-KB) Muhaimin Iskandar juga menilai bahwa ide lokalisasi tempat perjudian sebagai gagasan bagus yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Sebab, suka tidak suka, kasus perjudian tetap marak di Tanah Air, meski ada perundang-undangan yang melarang. Karena itu, perlu dicari bentuk lain penanggulangan perjudian. Lokalisasi adalah satu di antaranya. "Tapi itu perlu persetujuan DPR dan DPRD," kata dia. Muhaimin tidak bohong. Praktik perjudian memang marak, baik yang dilakukan secara sembunyi maupun terang-terangan. Masyarakat juga mahfum jika permainan judi di kawasan Mangga Besar, Kota, Harco, Glodok, Hayam Wuruk, dan Kalijodo begitu diminati. Di tempat itu, semua permainan yang menjadi jalan pintas untuk kaya (atau miskin?) tersedia. Dari rolet, bola tangkas, mickey mouse, qiu-qiu, kasino, sampai koprok. Omzet per malamnya pun sangat luar biasa. Bisa mencapai ratusan juta rupiah. Bahkan, menurut mantan narapidana Anton Medan, omzet perjudian di sejumlah kawasan bisa mencapai miliaran rupiah. Bagi yang takut mendatangi tempat perjudian, karena tak biasa atau takut digerebek, bandar judi juga bisa memanjakan Anda dengan sejumlah permainan di media online. Menurut laporan Jupiter Media Metrix Inc yang ditulis Infokomputer, situs judi seperti www.casino.com, webstakes.com, aceshigh.com, luckynugget.com, dan bingocanada.com sangat ramai diklik atau dikunjungi. Selama 2001, casino.com dan webstakes.com memiliki jumlah unique visitor sebanyak 2,3 juta orang. Sedangkan aceshigh.com 2,1 juta pengunjung dan luckynugget.com sebanyak 1,7 juta pengunjung. Karena, seperti halnya pelacuran, perjudian memang sangat sulit diberantas. Kini wacana telah bergulir, tanggapan juga sudah bertebaran. Pemda Jakarta pun telah mengirim utusan ke Genting Highland--lokasi perjudian di Malaysia. Namun, tetap saja legalisasi lokalisasi perjudian tak bisa diberlakukan. Terlalu banyak rintangan yang menghalangi rencana tersebut. Padahal, berdasarkan hasil studi banding ke Malaysia, rencana melokalisasi perjudian di Kepulauan Seribu adalah pilihan terbaik dalam upaya mengendalikan dan mempersempit dampak buruk perjudian. Sejumlah kalangan masyarakat, baik secara perorangan, atas nama organisasi, lembaga swadaya masyarakat, maupun partai mengecam rencana lokalisasi perjudian. Bahkan, masyarakat Kepulauan Seribu juga menolak rencana Pemda memindahkan perjudian di tempat tinggal mereka. Majelis Ulama Indonesia malah terang-terangan menolak rencana Sutiyoso. Selain telah diatur dalam Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1974 tentang Penertiban Perjudian, lokalisasi tak menjamin perjudian akan hilang. "Itu maksiat dan tak bisa ditolerir," kata Umar Shihab, Ketua MUI, tegas. Apalagi, semua agama melarang praktik perjudian. Selain MUI, Partai Keadilan, PPP Reformasi, Partai Bulan Bintang, dan terakhir Polda Metro Jaya juga menolak legalisasi perjudian. Menteri Agama Said Agil Husein Al Munawar malah meminta Sutiyoso menegakkan law enforcement daripada melokalisasikan perjudian di Kepulauan Seribu. Ia meminta semua penjudi yang tertangkap tangan ditindak tegas. "Mereka bisa dikenai hukuman Pasal 303 KUHP dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 9/1981," ujar Said Agil. Lagi pula, siapa yang berani menjamin bahwa perjudian di daratan akan lenyap jika dipindahkan ke kepulauan. Semua kembali ke Pemda dan DPRD Jakarta. Tetap ngotot melokalisasi perjudian atau menghukum para penjudi secara tegas? Masyarakatlah yang akan melihatnya. Bagaimana Bang Yos?(ULF)

The Thousand Islands (Pulau Seribu) are a chain of 342 islands stretching 45 km to the north of Jakarta’s coast.A decree states that 36 islands may be used for recreation. Of these, only 13 islands are fully developed: 11 islands are homes to resorts and two islands are historic parks. Twenty-three islands are privately owned and are not open to the public. The rest of the islands are either uninhabited or support a fishing village.

As we learned later, the Thousand Islands is rather a day-trip destination which you book as a package. Thus, we were among the few tourists who didn’t come with a tour and probably the only non-local tourists on the Pari island. No surprise that we, and especially Mia, were getting full attention of the locals. Almost everyone was trying to cuddle Mia on her cheek or take a photo with her.

English is barely spoken here. A huge help was Google Translator, so we could communicate with locals in terms what we wanted. For example  we were searching for candles for Christmas and learnt they were callen “Lilin”.You can go to Pulau Seribu from two terminals: Marina Ancol with a speedboat and from Marina Pelabuhan Muara Angke with a slowboat.

Speedboats leave Marina Ancol (Dermaga 16) at around 8 o’clock in the morning. A ticket costs 160000 rupies (under 10 Euro). The trip lasts about one hour.

On the island there are more homestays than you could see on Booking.com. Thus, I suppose you can stay overnight spontaneously, without booking a room in advance. We stayed at Solata Homestay, one of few options which were shown on the booking page. The room was very basic. However, there was an a/c and a private toilet/shower. But the view was fantastic! The homestay is situated close to the haven directly at the beach.

The most beautiful beach of the island is the Virgin Beach. The entrance fee of 5000 rupies (30 cent) pp goes into a donation box. Here, you can go on a short boat trip through the mangroves with a local fishermen for around 50000 rupies (3 Euro) or rent a kayak for 3000 rupies (20 cent).

For a lunch we can recommend Tony Cafe at the beach. They offer grilled fish, squids, chicken and nasi goreng (fried rice with an egg on top) as well as hot and cold drinks.

Another nice and mire secluded beach on the island is the Star Beach. The entrance fee 2500 rupies (15 cent) pp goes into a donation box.

In the morning litter is being collected by a special service arriving by boat. Unfortunately, the amount of trash coming out of the ocean is so high that the service does not manage it to full extent.

Pulau Seribu is a place where mangrove forests are being planted. Did you know that mangrove ecosystems are powerful carbon sinks, sucking up carbon dioxide from the air to store in their roots and branches?

The island lives itstidal schedule. In the morning the water is at the beach. If the ebb is strong, the guesthouses directly at the coast can be floated too. In the afternoon, at the flow, locals are gathering mussels to cook them later in a stew.

As we had three full days on Pulau Pari, we decided to take a trip to the neighbour island Pulau Pramuka, which is the capital of Pulau Seribu. We were told that the ferry starts at 8 am. So we were at the port by 7:50 am to buy tickets (23000 rupies pp). But we were not told the ferry starts at 8 am from Jakarta… So we embarked at around 9:45 am and in 30 minutes of very, very wavy ride, I almost started feeling sick, we got off on the island Pramuka.

This island looks more modern, with more solid buildings and better roads than on Pari island. Though the beach here, Sunset Pantai, is very small and not as attractive as the beaches on Pulau Pari.

A cool place where locals are spending time is the skateboard park. You can rent a board for 10000 rupies (ca. 60 cent) for an hour there and train your balance a bit. I was surprised to see many kids riding skateboard very sure. Mia was allowed to skateboard as well, first time in her life, and that was a lot of fun.

We also discovered Pusat Sanctuary Penyu, a sea turtle conservation center and were given a short tour for 7500 rupies (46 cent) pp. With the same ticket we were able to visit the mangroves walk nearby.

For lunch we were circling the island to find any restaurant, where the food would not be standing in plates on the sun. The place next to the skateboard playground looked the most trustworthy, as I spotted chicken being boiled and asked the cooking ladies to roast it directly (“goreng?” – “goreng!”) and serve rice (nasi) with it. Matze went for a beef soup with greens and instant noodles. Two meals and two drinks cost us 75000 rupies (4,5 Euro).

Often we have seen chips being dried directly on the street. I risked to try them – that was fish, so I couldn’t force down the bite, being aware the conditions it was dried at. What did you hope for, Ksenia? Veggies, obviously. Indeed, on the island several types of vegetable chips are being produced. You can buy them in the local minimarkets.

On the islands, everyone rides a bike or a motorbike. Sometimes you can see families of 4 on a bike with babies on an arm.

Going back to Pulau Pari was an adventure. When we arrived, two parties confirmed us that the departure back to Pari was planned at 1 pm. When we got to the haven by 1 pm, there were no tickets already. “Next ferry is tomorrow at 10 pm”. This answer was not satisfactory at all. The police officer was so kind to ask at the other agency if there were tickets for a 3 pm ferry. We had luck – there were tickets on sale.  We even happily agreed to pay the price seven times higher than we paid to get to Pramuka (same price to get back to Jakarta – 190000 rupies (11,5 Euro) pp.). Let’s say, this price we paid for a bigger boat and less wavy ride and thus more enjoyable experience of getting back to the Pari island.

Returning from Pari island to the mainland was quite easy: we had two options to choose from: a slowboat at 10 am and a speedboat at 3 pm. We decided to get to Jakarta earlier and decided to take the slowboat (which is only insignificantly slower than the speedboat). The tickets cost 72000 (4,3 Euro) rupies pp. The trip took exactly 2 hours, after taking off with 30 mins delay. All passengers were sitting on life wests on the floor of the upper deck. To my surprise there were even plugs to charge a phone.

Pulau Bidadari merupakan salah satu Pulau Resort yang berada di kawasan Kepulauan Seribu atau yang seringkali kita sebut Pulau Seribu. Pulau Bidadari dikelilingi oleh beberapa pulau kecil lainnya yang memiliki sejarah tentang kota Jakarta seperti Pulau Onrust, Pulau Khayangan dan Pulau Kelor. Pulau Bidadari dapat ditempuh dari dermaga Marina Ancol dengan jarak tempuh kurang lebih 25 menit menggunakan speedboat.

Sama seperti pulau Kelor dengan benteng Martello-nya, Pulau Bidadari juga memiliki Benteng yang sama dan bentuk yang sama. Tapi tahukah anda, Benteng yang dibuat pada abad ke-19 ini memiliki legenda kota yang cukup menarik untuk diketahui? Sejarah menyebutkan bahwa ketiga Pulau di kawasan Pulau Bidadari ini dihubungkan dengan terowongan bawah laut yang dibangun oleh orang Belanda. Dapat anda bayangkan bagaimana cara mereka untuk menghubungkan antar pulau dengan terowongan bawah laut? Kemudian setelah Indonesia merdeka, banyak masyarakat lokal yang mengetahui pintu masuk rahasia terowongan bawah laut ini tergiur oleh kabar harta karun peninggalan Belanda yang tercecer di dalam terowongan. Setelah kabar harta karun merebak luas, banyak orang berbondong – bondong masuk ke dalam terowongan namun naas tidak semuanya dapat kembali keluar dari terowongan tersebut. Pemerintah kemudian mengambil tindakan tegas untuk menutup pintu rahasia terowongan tersebut agar tidak muncul lagi korban – korban dari masyarakat dan pintu itu masih tertutup sampai sekarang.

Tidak hanya sejarah yang ditawarkan, Pulau Bidadari kini menawarkan konsep baru dengan nuansa tempo dulu yang diharapkan mampu membawa anda ke beberapa zonasi seperti Pecinaan, Betawi tempo dulu dan Gandaria tempo dulu. Setelah menghabiskan beberapa bulan untuk merenovasi Pulau, kini Bidadari tampil jauh lebih menarik ditambah kolam renang berkonsep tak terbatas atau Infinity Swimming Pool dan front office bertemakan Benteng pertahanan Belanda. Renovasi besar – besaran ini dilakukan tidak hanya untuk menarik pengunjung namun memberikan atmosfir baru dan pilihan baru untuk bersaing dengan pulau – pulau resort lainnya yang terletak di Pulau Seribu. Apakah anda tertarik untuk menginap di rumah tempo dulu? Jika demikian, maka Pulau Bidadari adalah tempat yang cocok untuk anda berlibur.

If you’re longing to have a short escape from the busy side of Jakarta, KepulauanSeribu or the Thousand Islands is the perfect place for you! There are 108 islands in KepulauanSeribu, located in the northern coast of Jakarta, but only 11 of those are inhabited and 36 may be used for recreation.

You can go island hopping and visit some of the most famous spots in KepulauanSeribu, or you can go swimming, snorkeling, diving, or just laying around all day long in these laid back islands.  KepulauanSeribu’s Marine National Park is the heart of this archipelago. The park consists of a few islands, such as SemakDaun, GosongPramuka, KarangLebar, KarangBalikLayar and Kotok Island. There are around 19 diving spots with amazing underwater life in this area!

There are also the historical islands, which comprise of Onrust, Cipir, Kelor, and Bidadari Island. You can stroll around Onrust Island and stumble upon archaeological remains. The exotic Macan Island is an eco-friendly escape that you would not want to miss; and how can you not visit the famous Love Bridge on Tidung Island. The bridge is an iconic structure that connects TidungBesar with Tidung Kecil Island. You can ride a bicycle around the island as the friendly locals greet you. Pari Island is one of the most populated island, yet it still holds a hidden gem, such as the unsullied Perawan Beach, home to a diverse coral reefs and breathtaking marine scenery. Last but not least, is the Putri Island, located furthest from Jakarta. You can walk in an underwater tunnel, where you get to see the wonderful life of sea creatures!

Everywhere on the island is on walkable distance, but if you want to explore more, you can rent a bicycle. Take your time to interact with the curious local children and stop by at their homes to learn something that might be memorable for you to cherish.

First, you need to reach the nearest harbor in Jakarta, such as Marina Ancol, Kali Adem, or SundaKelapa. You can also depart from CituisRawaSaban and TanjungPasir Harbor in Banten. From there on, you can take a boat ride to KepulauanSeribu. If you opt for a more convenient and faster ride, just head straight to Marina Ancol to take a speedboat. You can also take a ferry from SundaKelapa. When traveling from Banten area, you can only hop to certain islands that have the shortest distance from the harbor.  Ticket price for one way boat or ferry ride ranges from IDR 15,000 to IDR 125,000, while speedboat ride starts at IDR 110,000 to IDR 270,000. You can get to these harbors by private car, public transportations such as taxi, bus, or motorcycle taxi (ojek), depending on where you will depart from.

There are plenty of islands that offer proper accommodation, ranging from standard bedrooms to an exclusive private beach hut. Some islands also offers homestays and even a camping ground if you insists on sleeping amongst the ocean breeze. Either way, it’s your choice. Now, let’s get packing!

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